As I've mentioned before, both Rachel and I are civil engineers. We both love our chosen profession. So much so that even when we're not at work, we're usually talking about some aspect of engineering or otherwise "dorking out." Part of that is our involvement with the American Society of Civil Engineers. We have both been very active in ASCE since we were students. Rachel is an advisor for the University of Florida students, and I hold a seat on the Region 5 Board of Governors (Region 5 is Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana - we probably need to come up with a better name).
So last weekend was ASCE's 140th Annual Meeting. It was special to us for a few reasons. First and foremost, our dear friend Kathy Caldwell was installed as the President of ASCE (the whole thing!) She is just as proud to be a civil engineer as we are, and she's put a lot of work into getting there. Congratulations, Kathy! Oh, and the meeting was in Las Vegas, too...
Ginny took her first plane ride. It is kind of amazing to me that a 5 month old could be flying around the country. My first plane ride was a month after my 18th birthday and it took me to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri for Basic Training. Not exactly a vacation - it was all-expense-paid though. Ginny was great on the plane. She slept all the way out and all the way back. She did cry all the way home to Gainesville from the Tampa airport, but that's OK.
If you're civil engineers and you drag your kid all the way across the country to Las Vegas, it is kind of required that you go to a civil engineering landmark. While the Bellagio fountain might qualify if I were some kind of hydraulics nerd (sorry Dr. Thieke), we had to take Ginny to two others.
This is Ginny and me standing on top of the Hoover Dam. Behind us is the Mike O'Callaghan - Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge. It had opened just a couple days before we got there. The dam on the other hand, just celebrated it's 75th Anniversary this week. Hopefully, we'll go back for the 75th Anniversary of the bridge... or at least Ginny will.

This is Rachel and Ginny on top of the Mike O'Callaghan - Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge. That is the Hoover Dam in the background. If Ginny doesn't look that impressed, it might be because she was a little freaked out being 900 feet above the Colorado River on a windy day. She only weighs 17 pounds. (I wouldn't let Rachel take her out of the stroller for the picture. OK, maybe I was the one a little freaked out. Can you believe I used to jump out of planes?)
You're probably also wondering about Ginny's health. She's doing great! At her last Cardiology appointment, they wondered if there was ever anything wrong with her. She is gaining weight, getting taller, and hitting all of her development milestones.
Since we came home from the hospital, Ginny has met a lot of people, and helped some of them along the way. Our next chance to help is coming up on the 14th of November. March of Dimes is holding the Gators March for Babies. Ginny has her own marching team, and she hopes that you'll help her by either walking, or making a donation. You can sign up for Team Ginny Lee at:
We hope to see you there! OK, now a few more gratuitous baby pictures: