Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Tomorrow the Ronald McDonald House of Gainesville will celebrate their 28th anniversary. They will hold an open house from 11am to 1 pm and they will be kicking off Ginny's Room, a new room sponsorship program. You can read more about it in "On Gainesville and Giving" from July 6th.

If this seems a little repetitive, let me explain. I just got a message from a friend that is willing to match - dollar for dollar up to $1000 - for every donation received tomorrow during the open house. So, if you would like to give, please come by the Ronald McDonald House of Gainesville at 1600 SW 14th Street between 11 and 1. If you can't make it but would like to give, please call the House at (352) 374-4404.

And now, another gratuitous baby picture:

She really didn't like that bath as much as I let on...


  1. Did you know that we love gratuitous baby pictures? You must have ...

  2. There are never enough gratuitous baby pictures. Please keep them coming :)

  3. Can we read the text you wrote to be posted on Ginny's Room in the Ronald McD's house?

  4. Jason

    Doc John Wood (Vietnam Vet medic 1968) has asked me to donate $50.00 for him tomorrow.
    Gerry Lay (Wendy's brother)has asked me to donate $50.00 for him tomorrow as well.

    Thanks to all for the donations.

    Grandpa Doug
