Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dirty Tricks

A few days after we got here to the NICU, another family moved in next door. They are from just outside Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but they are here because Shands is the best hospital for their baby's particular condition. We've become pretty good friends with them. You have probably guessed that they are die-hard LSU fans stuck in Gator country. We joke with them constantly, but they are good sports and really great people.

Last night Ginny decided she wanted to play her first practical joke. The other baby has a little Noah's Ark mobile that plays a lullaby, while Ginny has a Florida Gators mobile that plays our fight song. Ginny wanted us to replace a little giraffe that looks like this:
with a Gator that looks like this:

This morning when we came in, it was carnage. This is what we found:

That's OK... let's just wait until October 9th. Then we'll see... Ginny can't wait for football season.


  1. Ginny, that is Hilarious. You not only look like your dad... Them apples!!. I Love You Grammie

  2. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree ... or the gene pool. lol

  3. I love this. My dad & sis are LSU grads. I come home one day to find a gator hanging over my sink with ketchup poured on it. The worst dad used my shoestring to do the hanging. I wish you all well. Thanks for the updates. Wishing you the best.

  4. OMG, that is so awesome! I'm glad that Ginny has her parents sense of humor. I am so happy that you have some people who are going what you are going through and are obviously as funny as you and Rachel. It's good to see and hear your spirits are up! I cry every time I read your blogs, it's not good for me but screw it I don't care anymore. If Ginny can do it, dang it so can I! Are you ready for your Sunny's on Monday?
