Monday, June 7, 2010

Making Strides

We are almost to the end of another good day. Ginny has been weened down on or off almost all of her medications. Her feeding has been increased to 6 cc every 3 hours. Her oxygen saturations are consistently above 80%. The ventilator is supplying her with 35% oxygen and only 4 ppm of nitric oxide. Cardiology would like her to stay at 35% Oxygen until her surgery, but they could extubate her before the surgery if she can tolerate being off of the nitric oxide. If not, they may extubate her, give her the oxygen through two small tubes in her nose, and replace the nitric with sildenafil to keep her pulmonary blood vessels dilated. In case you don't have your Physician's Desk Reference close by, the brand name of that drug is Viagra....

Normally this is where I would insert completely inappropriate humor. I'll refrain, but only a little bit. The good news is that if her breathing lasts for more than four hours, we won't need to seek medical attention.

Yesterday I got to change my first diaper. I'm a Civil Engineer. I've been to dozens of wastewater treatment plants, responded to sewer line breaks, and seen my share of gross stuff. I have never seen a turd like that before in my life.

Our whole parenting experience has been very stressful thus far. Despite all the stress, we've really had very little to complain about. Today was probably the first time I went on one of my somewhat infamous rants. (The ABG returns.) Here at Shands, they have some of the most intelligent and talented people in the world working in the building. The important part is in the building. Across the street in the parking garage, not so much.

It seems that since Rachel and I were both students at UF at one time and actually possessed a parking pass, our license plate is forever listed in the Parking Services database as a student vehicle. We got a parking ticket on Friday for parking in a restricted area. "This area is for medical visitors only," the ticket read, along with the fine of $30. Today I assisted the Parking Services people by putting a large sign in the window that read: "MEDICAL VISITOR: My child is a patient in the NICU 3." Despite this helpful assistance, I got another ticket today. Of course, the note on the front seat instructing Parking Services to perform a physical impossibility probably did not win me any friends.

The conversation on the phone was considerably less than productive, but we'll get it all straightened out eventually. If this is the worst thing that happens when we're here, I won't complain one bit.


    On a side note...daddy, breastfed poopy os nothing..wait 6 months or so to see what you might find once she's on solid foods! Ha! ;)

  2. Ginny I missed visiting you today, Grammie has a cold and doesn't want you to catch it. I am trying to get over it qucickly so I can come back to see you precious. I Love You

  3. Perhaps if you made a daigram of the helpful suggestion for the parking services people they would better comprehend what you are trying to tell them. Just a thought.

    On a separate note, Ginny, you're kicking butt, kid! And, I agree, that if you're dad is impressed with your poopy now, he will REALLY be impressed once you get a tast for solids!!

  4. As if you didn't have enough on your plate already. Now you have to deal with getting a ticket(s) taken off your record because we all know FL doesn't play with their tickets when you don't pay on time. I'm glad Ginny is doing good. Just keep your mind on your daughter and know that karma will get the ticket writer eventually

  5. Rachel Jason and Ginny you guys are amazing! I love you so much and am praying and thinking about you all the time. Jason you're an awesome writer and thank you so much for keeping us all updated. Keep it up Ginny! xoxoxo

  6. Keep it up Miss Ginny!!! This are great news for us, we are thinking of you, please keep the good work Jason with all the updates. LOL Norma & Jesus

  7. Excellent news! I look forward to reading your reports everyday. I will keep the prayers going! I am so happy to hear Ginny is making such good progress. Babies are amazing,miss Ginny is no exception! Love to all of you!

  8. Wow! Little Girl you are amazing! I think it runs in the family. Continued prayers for all of you. Thanks Jason for taking the time to write about Ginny each day. I think I'm addicted. ;)

  9. Jason, Rachel and Little Ginny! Keeping up with you guys, thanks to these great posts...Laughter is the best medicine, and I can see that you are all sharing lots of laughs through the ups and downs! All my love, prayers and best wishes keeping on comin' your way...Ginny RN
