Thursday, June 17, 2010

Quick Update II

Cardiology stopped by late in the afternoon to check Ginny's chart. He mentioned that surgery might not be until the week after next, but the real call would be up to the surgeon. Ginny had a good day. She is still on the CPAP with 30% oxygen, but loving it with 90% (+/-) saturations. Rachel held her all morning and I held her most of the afternoon. Tonight around 9:00 she went for a routine pre-surgery cranial MRI. We should hear about the results tomorrow. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. We're (almost) half way home.


  1. The updates are great. So glad to hear that Ginny is getting closer to going home with mommy and daddy.

    The Bobo's

  2. It's really great that you have so many positives going on just now! Keep up the good work Ginny!
