Thursday, June 3, 2010

Extra Virgin!?!

Ginny is having the procedure to enlarge her ASD as I am writing this. We shall see how she does.

We are planning on breastfeeding Ginny. Rachel has been faithfully pumping since she delivered Ginny on Friday. The milk is stored here in the NICU in the freezer, and whenever Ginny decides to get well enough to eat, they will feed it to her through a tube until she is well enough to take it from the tap. Rachel tells me that pumping is considerably less than comfortable. She discussed some of her discomfort with the lactation consultant here at the hospital. (Yes, Matt Z, that is a real job. No, you can not apply for it.) The lactation consultant suggested that olive oil might take away some of the discomfort. She also figured out how to engineer a "hands free device" using one of her old sports bras. "This is great!" she says, "Now I can check my email and surf the internet while I'm pumping."

Each morning when I get out of bed, the second thing I do is go to the computer to read my newspapers and see what happened in the world while I was asleep. This morning when I got up, there was a cruet of olive oil right next to the keyboard... so when you come over to our house for dinner - be careful which salad dressing you ask for.


  1. Rachel, talk to me about the sports bra thing. I have been doing a balancing act with the funnelly thing on my breast pump and I can't do all the things you are able to do right now. You engineers are all alike. Can't wait for you guys to see Ginny's milk drunk look. RitaMarie's is a classic.

  2. Rachel,
    I actually bought the Medela Freestyle which is hands free. I can get ready for work while pumping. Besides olive oil, you can use lanolin to soften you nipples before and after pumping. I have been pumping for 5 months now since Gwen was born. It is hard to do when you work 10 hour shifts but it is worth it:)


  3. Jason, I don't know you, but I think I like you. Rachel, you got a good one.

    Keeping you all close in heart and mind.

  4. My Rachel, Jason and Ginny!
    How cool to see that someone on the internet called me an awesome "lady"! My mom would be proud...It was fantastic getting to see all of you guys this evening. I have worried about my little Ginny since first helping with her pre and post delivery (and her sweet parents as well). It was lovely to see her so pink, and extra special to have gotten another hug out of the both of you! Catching up on this blog affirms what I felt in the short time that I was with you guys...You are a fantastic, strong couple and she will feel your strength and love at her bedside with your voices, touches, and laughter (tears are in order at times, too,of course, but you know I dig the laughs)... Jason, you may have another career path...A book may be in order! Hang in there, you Haeslers...Your North Florida team hated to have to send you to Shands, but we know that Ginny is in the best of hands and where she needs to be. All my best and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Your Tall Ginny RN

  5. So ever since we left you last night Matt has been trying to practice his lactation consulting. Jason I really thank you for showing him his new calling in life. He always knew he would find it one day and it just took you and Rachel to show him the light. By the way can you see my sarcasm in this as I am the practice dummy.

  6. You are inspirational. It is awesome for you to share your story with others. Keeping you in our hearts and prayers from North Carolina! Ginny has some amazing parents.
